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May 20, 2023

WWRFF - World Wide Rally For Freedom - Copenhagen

Poster for the  12 wwrff in copenhagen May 2023

Word Wide Rally For Freedom or World Wide Demonstration is a worldwide demonstration that arose as a reaction to the Covid-19 restrictions and vaccine pressure.

    The first global demonstration took place in the spring of 2021, where demonstrations were held on the same date in around 200 cities worldwide. Since then, the global demonstration has taken place repeatedly at 2-4 month intervals. It is about people's right to be free and sovereign and not have to submit to government-dictated sanctions in which they themselves see no sense.

    This is the twelfth WWRFF and Copenhagen is represented via another recurring demonstration, the HocusPocusParty.

    Here is a link to the WWRFF website. The site is not completely up to date, but there is a link to Instagram and Telegram which are more up to date.

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