Friday, November 1, 2024
On 16 October 2024, a book was published via the internet which should have made headlines all over the world. Despite that, there has been silence about this release in the mainstream media.
The book itself will probably appear to most people to be rather boring. It mostly consists of a review of numbers, statistics, observations and test results.
Although this information is not directly comprehensive, the book is an invaluable source of insight. It contains a review of the material that Pfizer itself submitted to the American authorities and which was the basis for the authorities emergency approval and later full approval of Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccines.
According to American law, there must be full transparency in relation to materials used as the basis for the approval of a medical drug by the American authorities.
In connection with the approval of Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccines, Pfizer submitted more than 450,000 pages of documents containing Pfizer's own studies and evidence of the drug's effectiveness and side effects. It is this material that forms the basis for the American authorities emergency approval - and the later full approval of the drug.
The American authorities choose a very unusual procedure in connection with the emergency approval / approval of the Covid-19 vaccines. Instead of the material being made available immediately as the law prescribes, they made a special agreement that the material should be gradually released over a period of 75 years.
This means that the last documents would be made accessible in 2096!
This agreement arouses wonder among many health professionals who ware used to access approval material for medical drugs.
It was expressed by health professionals that it was actually not possible to make a meaningful assessment of the vaccination program if one do not have access to the full approval material.
An organization called Medical Professionals for Transparency, led by a lawyer named Aaron Siri, approached the authorities (FDA) and asked them to speed up the publication of the material, but they did not receive any response to their request. Then it was decided that they will file a case against the authorities to get them to speed up the publication of the full material.
On January 6, 2022, a court in northern Texas ruled that there should be an acceleration of the release of the more than 450,000 pages of documents that the US authorities were holding.
It was decided that the documents should be published in portions over a period of two years. The last documents should thus be available in January 2024.
So in January 2024, you had access to 450,000 pages of documents containing the material that led to the approval of Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine, there were just two big problems. The first was the enormous size of the material, the second was that it was a material that required specialist knowledge to understand.
There was therefore a need for a large team of volunteer professionals who could review, select, structure and comment the material.
Well-known journalist, author Third-wave feminist Naomi Wolf took on the task of assembling a team of volunteer professionals. She started advertising and the influx was overwhelming. In a short time she had more than 3,000 candidates. However, it was still an almost insurmountable task to coordinate more than 3,000 volunteers to read through and process more than 450,000 pages of documents.
Fortunately, among the volunteers who had signed up, there turned out to be a woman with extraordinary abilities when it came to structuring and coordinating collaborative projects on a large scale. The woman's name was Amy Kelly and she was the woman who could make the difficult solitaire work.
On 16 October 2024, the book 'The Pfizer Papers' was published as both paper book, e-book and audio book.
As I said at the beginning, it is not an entertaining and easy-to-read book, but it is a fantastic source of information for those who want an insight into exactly what is described about the effect of the Covid-19 vaccines in Pfizer's own reports and studies.
There is no question here of a more or less far-reaching theories. It is simply the studies and observations that Pfizer themself used as the basis for there assessment of there own drug.
This is an incredibly important book. A big and warm thank you to everyone who has helped to make it possible.
The content of the book and the conclusions you can draw from it I will not go into here. It is a large topic with many facets that can be accessed from different angles. However, I find it important to note that the book leaves an unmistakable picture that the authorities were well aware that the Covid-19 vaccines were neither safe nor effective while telling the people that they were.
Here's a video from October 10, 2024 - just days before the book's release - in which Naomi Wolf talks to Del Bigtree about the process leading up to the book's release.