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Monday, February 19, 2024

Assange / Fuellmich event

Julian Assange has been imprisoned in England since 2019. The US wants him extradited for prosecution. On 21 February 2024, the English Supreme Court will decide whether Assange should be extradited to the USA.

We believe that Assange is a political prisoner. He has simply done what a journalist should do, namely to give the public information about what the ruling elite are doing.

Reiner Fuellmich has been in custody near Göttingen in central Germany since November 2023. He is accused of financial fraud. We believe that the imprisonment of Fuellmich is politically conditioned and that the charges against him are designed to dismantle and discredit the extensive work he has done to show - and prove - that the Covid19 pandemic was a staging orchestrated by financial interests, compromised think tanks, politicians and officials.

To pay tribute to these two prominent critics of the system and to signal our wish for their release, we will hold a small musical and colorful double event in Copenhagen.

The event is based on music, dance and some simple, beautiful and colorful props.

The event starts with the Assange part in front of the English embassy on Østerbro in Copenhagen and continues from there to the German Embassy on Nordhavnen in Copenhagen (only a few kilometers from the English one) where a similar musical performance is performed in support of Reiner Fuellmich.

Everyone is welcome to participate, but if you want to take part in the dance performance, you must have familiarized yourself with the process and choreography in advance.

We are rehearsing as recorded for the next Hocus Pocus Party on 23/02/2024 and I will also make a video where the whole up-step is reviewed that you can use to practice there at home.

Unfortunately, I can't go out to the Café afterwards, as is our tradition, but others are more than welcome to do so.


Free Julian Assange


Free Reiner Fuellmich

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